Author: J.Arbona

  • Queer Boricua Geopolitics and the Pulse Shooting

      Queer anthropology’s focus must turn attention to these understandings of the queer geopolitical if we are to understand how homosexuality gets attached to values whether or not they have anything to do with actual lived experiences of LGBT, homosexual, or non-heterosexual peoples.  Tamar Shirinian, “The Queer Political is Geopolitical” In the colony, the “world”…

  • Some readings from the last week or so…

    Cartography of Naps by Eva Hagberg Fisher; on architectural affinities, fatigue, and gendered labor in academia. The Urbanization of Drone Warfare: Policing Surplus Populations in the Dronepolis by Ian Shaw. The Waterscape of Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1879-2000 (dissertation review); “Sarah Hines’ new study uncovers the deep historical roots of the Water War and the popular victory that resulted.” Negative…

  • Spaces of the 1942 Black Sailors’ Uprising in Vallejo, California

    Spaces of the 1942 Black Sailors’ Uprising in Vallejo, California

    I wanted to give a quick heads-up that, at long last, one of my articles that took forever to publish has been released. This article reflects some of the work in my dissertation and book project, albeit much strengthened through the publishing process. I hope some of you can find it useful in your classes…