Pronouns & Pronunciation


My name is in Spanish (not French) and is pronounced with a hard ‘R’ at the end: Javier … I go with Arbona or Arbona-Homar (n.b. the H is completely silent and pronounced “Omar” with emphasis on the last syllable, like this: omár).

I don’t have a middle name. Arbona is my paternal last name. In other words, I’m not “Javier Homar” nor “Professor Homar.”


Email: jarbona [at] ucdavis [dot] edu *available for video or voice call by appointment. Se habla español.

Spring 2024 Office Hours

Mondays at 2pm-onward via course Canvas >> Zoom (for AMS 1E students); everyone else: contact me for a link or an in-person appointment. Thank you!

University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616