Author: J.Arbona

  • How to not discuss Puerto Rico…

    The American Studies Association, of which I am a member, had a statement on the situation in Puerto Rico, and for me, to be honest… It was not a good statement. I’ll paste here and edit something I posted previously on social media: With some very good scholars on the Executive Committee, no one apparently…

  • Reading on spaces of the Afterblast

    I was kindly invited by a creative group to join a reading/showing at E.M. Wolfman bookstore in Oakland, on Thursday May 25, 7-9pm (which cuts incredibly close to my bedtime for a school night!) Readings and art for the human & nonhuman worlds w/ Elisabeth Nicula, Kate Schapira, Maya Weeks and myself. There will be projections and readings talking about…

  • Explosive Cultures: Bombscapes and the Order of Law

    I’m happy to mention I’ll be one of a cohort of 2018 DHI Faculty Fellows… Here’s a quick blurb of the project: “Explosive Cultures: Bombscapes and the Order of Law” Javier Arbona investigates the ordo: the shared spatial, imaginative, and cultural ties between the order of the explosive and the order of the law. Specifically,…

  • Corre, Ve y Huele – Radio UC Davis

    Estuve de invitado con Diana Aramburu del Departamento de Español en el programa Corre, Ve y Huele por KDVS, hablando de nuestros nuevos puesto e investigaciones, además de la situación política de Puerto Rico y los puertorriqueños. Descarga el MP3 aquí.

  • Drafting “Research Methods and Critical Writing for Design”

    I had some time to begin to develop the graduate research course I will teach in Design, Winter quarter 2017. This is a draft (and only a draft): Course Description This graduate research seminar in Design intends to pose two interrelated challenges: First, if one can identify something as a problem for designers to address,…

  • Network of Concerned Geographers letter to the AAG

    We, the undersigned, the Network of Concerned Geographers (NCG), are concerned about the growing involvement of the US military in the discipline of geography. Sign the letter here.

  • Harvard Design Magazine no. 42: Run for Cover!

    More mailbag stuff! — This one arrived last week: Harvard Design Magazine no. 42: Run for Cover! In this issue, Demilit (of which I’m a member) has a piece on “thinking with suspicious packages,” an intervention into the discourse around tactical and informal urbanism(s). It draws from our research on urban securitization and electronic networks, particularly by…

  • Received: A Universe of Fragile Mirrors from the Pérez museum

    In “Ecologies of Practices in a Post-Military Cinema,” an essay for the exhibition catalog, I draw on my research with artists in Puerto Rico working internationally. Here, I discuss the relationship between walking practices in post-military landscapes and the video art of Beatriz Santiago Muñoz (BSM). For several years, I participated in “walking seminars” (and…

  • maneuver event

    Nibia Pastrana Santiago, choreographer and dancer, sends her new zine, “maniobra, bahía o el evento coreográfico.” Nibia’s work as a movement artist frequently scrutinizes the biases, knowledges, and metaphors of geographical thought. One often sees in her work a desire to trouble choreographic practice by playing it off of ideas about making or marking territories—and often…

  • Ante la precariedad

    En el más reciente número de Arquine, la revista de arquitectura mexicana, aparece un dossier con tremenda cantidad de ideas sobre las condiciones sociales en la actualidad urbana. Tuve el placer de contribuir a este dossier con algunas respuestas. Mis gracias a Pedro Hernández por incluírme. Las preguntas abajo son del equipo editorial en Arquine.…